
  • 2002/3

  • 2002/3

  • 2002/3
  • 2002/3
  • 2002/3
  • 2002/3
    134.6 x 140.6cm
Gone Astray Portraits (2002/3)

Gone Astray Portraits borrows from the 19th century street portrait convention of using painted murals as backgrounds to photograph city dwellers. Each sitter is carefully styled and propped to assume an urban character, on close examination each subject shows signs of wear, from ripped tights to bandaged wrists. The title of the series is taken from a Charles Dickens text, Gone Astray 1853 which is an account of a young child lost in the City of London. A story filled of references to anxiety and vulnerability and to people leading double lives.
Gone Astray Portraits is housed in the Museum Folkwang Collection.